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    在中外医学作者撰写的前言中 第一人称代词复数we后接动词的主动语态为前言部分中主要的使用形式. 作者在语步3中通过提出研究理论或方法、陈述研究的目的以及报告其研究结果或发现 来说明作者自己在研究中做了哪些工作. 例如:We investigated differential expression of these genes in various tissues and under various stresses or conditions allowing us to develop a greaternderstanding of the importance of the PI pathway.   (J14?7)We used the full?length HPO (15ku) fused to GAL4 DNA?binding domain as bait in the yeast two?hybrid system to creen a human testis cDNA library.  (J12?2) We designed a series of primer pairs based on the equences of the conserved regions of the rat and monkey homolous gene cDNA.   (J8?3) We ompared the hormonal patterns in volunteers participating in a contraceptive trial with levonorgestrel implants and testosterone endcannoate injectable at an aim to identify possible factors contributing to the differences in spermatogenic suppressionbetween esponders and non?responders in Chinese men.   (J13?1)  In this study we observed the clinical efficacy of CVVH in the treatment of acute necrotizing pancreatitis. (J6?2)We developed a fluorescent polymerase chain reaction ethod according to the published genome sequence of the SARS?associated coronavirus.  (J6?3)We examined a number of local populations of D. lacertosa almost covering the known geographic range of this pecies.  (J14?5)Here we report the results ofthe second planned interim analysis which we are releasing in accordance with the recommendation of the independent data and safety onitoring committee. (J2?1)  We present a review of OSAS children diagnosed between January 1997 and December1998 and their outcomes.   (J6?4) In this study we identified a novel human testis specific gene TSP1 which encodes a putative bHLH?Zip transcription factor.   (J13?4) We conducted a case?control study using data from the Massachusetts Department ofpublic Health?s Complaint and Incident Reporting System and from MDs assessments to provide a broad examination of the types of injuries that result from resident?to?resident violent incidents.  (J1?3) We present new data on the health insurance coverage characteristics of adolescents …. We assess the health insurance status of dolescents …. We then examine trends in adolescent health care coverage …. (J1?4)  We prospectively studied a large community?based sample of persons in whom plasma ariuretic peptide levels were routinely measured and who were followed for the occurrence of major cardiovascular events and death.   (J2?5)We have found this technique particularly useful where traditional fixation techniques are inadequate because of trochanteric comminution or deficient bone stock.  (J8?5)

    但就提出研究目标和目的而言 外国医学作者多用we aimed to 而中国医学作者多用the aim/purpose of the research is/was…,或 the research/study was to….  例如 The purpose of this study was to determine whether TP could reduce the chronic CsA nephrotoxicity and the xpression of TGF in tubular and interstitial cells in the rate model of CsA?induced chronic ephrotoxicity.  (J8?7) The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the relationship between gastric H pylori infectionand reflux esophagitis (RE) BE and gastric IM in China.  (J11?3)The present study was to investigate the effects of Res on the secondary spinal cord edema. (J7?6)study was undertaken to review our results in treating compromised abductorswith tension band in revision total hip arthroplasty.     (J5?4)The present study aimed to make a comprehensiveanalysis on phyulogenetic relationships of the family yprinidae based on complete cytochrome b gene sequences.  (J9?2)The present study is to clone its homologue from rat testis.  (J14?2) We aimed to establish if asymptomatic ubduralhaemorrhages arise after delivery to assess their frequency and to ascertain their resolution.   (J3?3)


    英文医学研究性论文前言部分使用第一人称代词复数形式原因之一是基于这样一个事实,即大多数的医学研究都不是由一个人完成的 因此“we” “us” 和“our”自然地强调了所有参与了研究工作人员的贡献. 原因之二是第一人称代词复数形式有助于缩短研究者本人和读者之间的距离 因为“we”和“us”不仅是指作者和读者社交和交际的角色 而且还表明作者和读者两者之间研究工作和研究目标的一致性. 最后一个也是最为重要的原因就是作者要在此强调他们自己对这一研究和这一研究领域所做出的个人贡献. 语步3(占据研究地位)通过概述研究目的、通报当前研究状况及通报主要发现来实现作者与读者的对话、强调本人对这一研究所做的贡献.

   中国医学作者使用第一人称代词复数主格形式远远低于外国医学作者 一方面是由于中国医学作者一直以来所接受的教育造成的,认为科学研究具有客观性,应客观地、非人称地报道出来,因此中国人在撰写研究性论文中更多的使用被动语态及用一些抽象名词如“purpose aim goal”作主语,而不是用主动语态、第一人称代词“we”,来表达他们在这一研究领域中的研究地位,这显然没有充分地说明或突出他们对这一研究领域所做的贡献,没有完全达到他们与读者和编辑之间的有效交流. 另一方面,东西方在文化方面及思维模式上的差异也体现在了学术方面. 西方人的个人主义取向使得他们敢于藐视权威,突出自我 强调他们在学术方面的个人贡献. 而东方人的集体主义取向以及中国人的中庸之道使得中国学术作者不习惯于“冒尖”,不习惯于突出自我,而隐埋自己则有一种安全感. 这两种文化上的差异在某种程度上造成中外医学作者在如何看待自己和如何看待自己的研究成果方面存在明显的不同.


    [1] Bazerman C. Shaping written knowledge [M]. Madison Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press 1989.

    [2] Myers G.  The pragmatics of politeness in scientific texts[J]. Applied Linguistics 19894: 1-35.

    [3] Swales JM. Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990:111-166.

    [4] Chih?Hua Kuo. The use of personal pronouns: Role relationships in scientific journal articles[J]. English for Specific Purposes 198813(2): 149-170.

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